disease care

5 Healthy Habits That Can Extend Your Life – Episode #8

… Because if you believe that your body’s weak, sick, and stupid, then there’s nothing to do. You just go live your life and good luck. But if you believe that your body is intelligent, and is self-healing and self-regulating…because it is…then living a wellness lifestyle means you make changes to your environment and the way you live and the things that you put into your body and the way you spend your time in order to optimize your body’s function…so that it can deal with its problems better…

5 Healthy Habits That Can Extend Your Life – Episode #8 Read More »

Weak, Sick, and Stupid – Episode #1

…There’s plenty that we can do. Our bodies are not weak, sick, and stupid. We are not genetically designed for illness. We are genetically designed for health. We are programmed for health, innately from birth. It’s how our bodies were made. Health is our natural state. So, if we learn the things that bring about health, we can take plenty of measures, do plenty of things to try and help our bodies work better so that we can have a better quality of life…

Weak, Sick, and Stupid – Episode #1 Read More »