
8 Little Known Causes of Inflammation and 2 Supplements That Can Help – Episode #10

…But unlike the kind of swelling and inflammation that happens if you get bit by an insect or if you twist your ankle, this kind of systemic inflammation that happens within can linger for weeks or even years in some people undetected and negatively affecting our health and we don’t even know about it…

8 Little Known Causes of Inflammation and 2 Supplements That Can Help – Episode #10 Read More »

5 Healthy Habits That Can Extend Your Life – Episode #8

… Because if you believe that your body’s weak, sick, and stupid, then there’s nothing to do. You just go live your life and good luck. But if you believe that your body is intelligent, and is self-healing and self-regulating…because it is…then living a wellness lifestyle means you make changes to your environment and the way you live and the things that you put into your body and the way you spend your time in order to optimize your body’s function…so that it can deal with its problems better…

5 Healthy Habits That Can Extend Your Life – Episode #8 Read More »

Science of Nutrition, Exercise, and Wellness – Episode #2

…So the question has to become, if the body is intelligent, what is the body trying to do, and how can I help it? So something simple like high blood pressure, you can see how a different approach occurs whether you feel like it’s a mistake, like the body is just broken and weak, or if the body’s intelligent and is doing something intelligent, what do we do now? The approach is very different, and the outcome of those approaches are very different, too…

Science of Nutrition, Exercise, and Wellness – Episode #2 Read More »