Weak, Sick, and Stupid – Episode #1

…There’s plenty that we can do. Our bodies are not weak, sick, and stupid. We are not genetically designed for illness. We are genetically designed for health. We are programmed for health, innately from birth. It’s how our bodies were made. Health is our natural state. So, if we learn the things that bring about health, we can take plenty of measures, do plenty of things to try and help our bodies work better so that we can have a better quality of life…

Weak, Sick, and Stupid – Episode #1 Read More »

Episode #0: Welcome to the Good Living Doc Podcast

…Hello. This is the Good Living Doc show. I’m your host Dr. Mark Smith, and this is my very first podcast ever. Episode zero. And on this episode, I just want to spend a few brief minutes introducing myself and letting you know a little bit about what I want to do with this and explain why I think this show is something that will better your life…

Episode #0: Welcome to the Good Living Doc Podcast Read More »

Science of Nutrition, Exercise, and Wellness – Episode #2

…So the question has to become, if the body is intelligent, what is the body trying to do, and how can I help it? So something simple like high blood pressure, you can see how a different approach occurs whether you feel like it’s a mistake, like the body is just broken and weak, or if the body’s intelligent and is doing something intelligent, what do we do now? The approach is very different, and the outcome of those approaches are very different, too…

Science of Nutrition, Exercise, and Wellness – Episode #2 Read More »

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